ProspectGrid is a networking platform for athletes and coaches. Build connections, share experiences, and elevate your game.
Basketball | Centre
Height: 6'10
Weight: 275 lbs
Wingspan: 6'11
The base plan for Athletes is free forever.
Hey Josh! I saw you at the Savannah Combine! We have a spot on our roster and I think you'd be a perfect fit.
ProspectGrid provides the largest feature set of any recruitment software.
ProspectGrid is designed to revolutionize the way athletes and coaches connect. Athletes can create profiles to showcase their stats, achievements, and videos, making it easier than ever to get noticed. Coaches can search for talent, track athlete progress, and make informed recruitment decisions. The platform fosters a supportive community where users can share experiences, seek advice, and inspire each other to reach new heights.
Collegiate Programs
Collegiate Athletes
Annual Scholarships